Research and Documentation

One of HRP’s core focus areas is human rights research and documentation, particularly related to the ongoing persecution of the Hazara community. HRP meticulously gathers data on war atrocities, targeted killings, and systemic discrimination, using this information to advocate for justice and accountability.
The organization has already documented over 300 cases of violence against Hazaras, offering survivors and victims’ families a platform to voice their stories while ensuring that these injustices are not forgotten.

This focus area is essential for HRP’s broader mission to combat impunity and raise global awareness about the plight of the Hazara people. Through collaborations with international human rights organizations and legal experts, HRP aims to use its documentation to seek justice, inform policy changes, and provide solid evidence for international advocacy efforts.
The human rights research conducted by HRP not only preserves a record of the ongoing atrocities but also strengthens efforts to prevent future violence against the Hazara community.